Disclosure: All links to products and services mentioned on FinanciallyFree.eu are affiliate links. If you go through them to sign up for a service I will earn a commission. Sometimes you will receive a bonus too.
Hello fellow Financial Freedom and Wealth seekers!
Here’s a few quick facts from the month that has just passed:
- Our 3rd child was born on July 1st so this update was posted a bit later than usual. I prioritize spending time with her, especially here in the first weeks.
Isn’t she adorable?
- I invested a good amount in June as well, let’s get this snowball rolling!
- The second property has been bought. The first payments will be ready for accounting in next month’s update.
- I invested in a new platform: Viventor
Monthly Income Statement: June 2019
Crowdlending | Income | XIRR | Invested | Value |
Bondora | -288.19€ | 6.91% | 13 347€ | 20 012€ |
Bulkestate | 0.00€ | 7.09% | 10 000€ | 10 100€ |
Crowdestate | 17.54€ | 6.69% | 7 000€ | 7 828€ |
Crowdestor | 391.70€ | 15.54% | 30 000€ | 31 959€ |
Envestio | 427.60€ | 21.77% | 23 536€ | 27 549€ |
FastInvest | 54.15€ | 17.54% | 4 100€ | 4 896€ |
Grupeer | 167.15€ | 15.98% | 15 474€ | 16 916€ |
Kuetzal | 103.26€ | 26.59% | 10 000€ | 10 217€ |
Mintos | 147.90€ | 17.49% | 18 000€ | 20 288€ |
ReInvest24 | 0.00€ | -15.77% | 1 000€ | 980€ |
Robocash | 54.89€ | 10.11% | 10 000€ | 11 093€ |
Swaper | 87.84€ | 14.46% | 9 000€ | 11 368€ |
Twino | 33.19€ | 13.35% | 1 600€ | 3 189€ |
Viventor | 0.49€ | 1.20% | 2 000€ | 2 000€ |
1 197.52€ | 10.93% | 155 058€ | 178 401€ | |
Real Estate | Income | Invested | Equity | |
Property #1 | 691€ | 26 126€ | 38 413€ | |
Total | 1 888.52€ | 181 184€ | 216 815€ |
That means I’m 62.95% Financially Free (up 11.75% from last month).
Portfolio performance: Historical view
Income from all investments (Crowdlending and Real Estate) was 1 888.52€.
(352.62€ more than last month).
“Income from Crowdlending” alone was 1 197.52€.
(352.62€ more than last month).
“Crowdlending (except Bondora)” reached 1 485.71€.
(273.20€ more than last month.)
I managed to withdraw another 3 000€ from Bondora in June. I look forward to the day where I can exit from this platform entirely.
To any new readers, I do not recommend investing with Bondora unless you plan to use the “Go & Grow” product only. The Go & Grow product is alright if you’re satisfied with a 6.75% interest rate and instant liquidity.

See more info and screenshot from my Bondora account
I received my 1% incentive bonus (100€) from my investment in the “Marijas Street” project. Note, I do not include cashback and bonuses in my income statements.
I invested the 100€ into the ultra short term Barona Dainas III project. Repayment date is 27.12.2019!
I like Bulkestate and I’m thinking about a way to make it more interesting to follow. Like most other real estate development projects, they only pay interest when the project is completed.
I’m thinking about investing in 1 new project per month, that way I’d have something to show almost everymonth eventually. But it might take a year to get there. What do you think?
On Crowdestate I received full repayment from “Steel Express Haldus OÜ”. Their loan was refinanced after reaching maturity.
I wish it would be possible to extend my current loan with Steel Express but I had to make a new investment in order to continue lending to them.
With no available cash I had to settle for another business loan 3 days later – Kama Grupp AS (I) – with 12.5% interest instead of the 15% I got with Steel Express.
See more info and screenshot from my Crowdestate account
Crowdestor is probably my favorite platform at the moment.
Some of the projects I invested in postpone interest payments for the first 6 months. Thereafter, interest payments are paid monthy.
I invested 10k in the “Renovation of eclecticism style building”. As you can see from the payment schedule, there’s a gap in payments between 2019-06-22 and 2019-12-22.
If everything goes according to plan I will get a nice interest payment in December.
2 projects will be released early next week.
I’m really tempted to deposit more money to invest in the “Industrial Business Center Tvaikonis” project that carries a 20.7% interest rate.
See more info and screenshot from my Crowdestor account
Envestio did not release a single project in June. They are finalizing the contract with a big partner – more projects should come soon.
All current projects are paying according to schedule. No one likes cash drag though, hopefully we’ll hear something next week.
Richard, one of my readers, reached out to Envestio to get an update. He was so kind to share the answer with me:
If you sign up and invest through my referral link, you will get a 5€ bonus when you deposit at least 100€. In addition, you will also get a 0.5% cash back on all your investments the first 270 days.
See more info and screenshot from my Envestio account
FastInvest is still ticking away.
See more info and screenshot from my FastInvest account
Many of my loans at Grupeer were finished last month and my principal was returned. That was a very nice coincidence because I was able to reinvest everything into 13% CashBack loans.
That little manouvre gave me an extra 98.56€ in June!

See more info and screenshot from my Grupeer account
I saw my first earnings on Kuetzal in June.
103.26€ from interest payments and 100€ CashBack from the promotion!
There’s currently 6 projects open for investment. I consider investing 5k in the project with 19.5% interest rate and buyback guarantee – “High-end Row-House in Marupe”.
The Summer CashBack Marathon, which pays up to 3% CashBack on all your investments made from June to August is still active!
OBS! You need to invest the displayed amount into 1 project to get the cashback. If you put 200€ into 5 different projects, you will not get any CashBack.
If you want to give Kuetzal a go you can use the promo code FINANCIALLYFREE to get a 15€ gift, instantly credited to your account.
Interest rates on Mintos keeps going up and you can now get 16% loans from several loan originators.
I added 8 000€ to Mintos in June, bringing my total investment to 18 000€. I’d like to bring my Mintos portfolio to 30 000€, hopefully this year.

I managed to earn 92.79€ on secondary market transactions in June. I bought short term loans with 1% discount and sold them again at par value.
My portfolio allocation was completely switched around several times during the month. I would not recommend trying this at home!
Here’s what my portfolio looked like in May before playing around:
And here’s how it looked mid June while I was trading:
This is how it looks now – I’m heavily invested in Mogo 16% loans.
I’ll try to switch some of them into 16% CreditStar loans in the coming months. I’d like to have more diversification and interest on delayed payments, which Mogo doesn’t pay.
See more info and screenshot from my Mintos account
I’m still waiting for my first earnings on ReInvest24.
I invested in the first project on 09.05.2019. More than 2 months is a long time to wait, isn’t it?
I should receive the first interest payments on 17.07.2019 but only for one of the 3 projects I invested in.
While the idea behind ReInvest24 is brilliant, I think they need to do something to pay investors earlier.
Today is exactly 2 years since I made my first deposit to Robocash.
The “1-year Installment loans” are coming to an end. We should start to see a more regular cash flow within 2-3 months. I expect a monthly return around 110€.
See more info and screenshot from my Robocash account
Is Swaper finally getting a grip on the loan volume situation? For the first time ever, I see 20 pages with loans on the primary market. Usually, there’s no loans to see, because they’re all scooped up by auto-invest portfolios.
A rare sight on Swaper – There’s actually loans to invest in?!
See more info and screenshot from my Swaper account
I’m thinking about exiting Twino and deposit my childrens savings on Viventor instead.
I’ve been lucky to earn some money on currency fluctiations on the Russian Ruble but I’m really not a fan of currency exposure.
Without currency exposure, I’m stuck with lower yielding loans which I don’t find attractive.
See more info and screenshot from my Twino account
I’ve included Viventor in my portfolio – I started out with a small 2 000€ deposit, just to see how it works.
My auto-invest has been set to catch 16% loans with buyback guarantee only. That means I’ll probably only get loans from the loan originator “Aforti Factor”.
I don’t feel a particular need for more diversification, I think I have plenty of diversification with the other 13 platforms.
Investing on Viventor has been a pleasant experience so far and I look forward to see how it develops in the coming months.
See more info and screenshot from my Viventor account
Real Estate
A tenant is moving out in July and a new tenant will move in on August 1st.
It has been much easier to find new tenants than I ever imagined. A simple Facebook post in the local city group and a new contract was signed in just 4 days!
I started a new graph for my properties which shows how much debt I have in them. You can find it on the Real Estate pages in the future.
See more info about my First property
Second property
The second property is bought – I have received the keys and everything. Now I just need the first rental payments from the tenants 🙂
I’m expecting a very nice cash flow of 1 162€ per month after expenses:
Rental income: 2 347€
Mortgage payment: 595€
Property tax: 90€
Property management fee: 31€
Estimated expenses (20% of rental income): 469€
Result: 1 162€
See more info about my Second property
Savings rate
My savings rate for June was 73.00% (+11.50% compared to last month).
My income will drop substantially in the next 3 months while I’m on maternity leave.
See more info about my Savings rate
Blog statistics
Visitors: 12 947 (+12.60% compared to last month)
Page views: 45 825 (+7.24% compared to last month)
1 700 Subscribers (+119 compared to last month)
823 Facebook followers (+54 compared to last month)
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