Tag Archives: Financially free

Portfolio update April 2020

Dear fellow investors, guys and gals, friends and family. Welcome to another episode of “global pandemic affects everything”. This month I’ll make the Crowdlending part short and sweet. When societies open up again, we’ll see how much damage the sector has taken. I’m still hopeful and keep reinvesting for the most part. Grace periods given […]

Portfolio update March 2020

Dear fellow investors, guys and gals, friends and family. We’re living in a historic moment. The world has collectively decided to put the ecomony to a standstill, to potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives. The question is how long we’ll be able to sustain the lockdown. How many companies will have to go out […]

Portfolio update February 2020

Dear fellow investors, guys and gals, friends and family. This is my first portfolio update written from southern Europe. Yes, we have officially moved to Portugal. Selling most of our stuff including 2 cars have freed up a good amount of money, which is waiting to be invested. Maybe it’s time to put some into […]

Portfolio update January 2020

First month of 2020 has passed and it’s time for another update. January was a hetic month. We arranged a “name giving party” for our 7 month baby with 30 family members. A birthday-/”fare well” party was held for our oldest daughter’s 25 class mates. We took hundreds of pictures of our belongings and listed […]

Portfolio update December 2019

To all my readers and followers. Happy New Year everyone! It’s time to wrap up the year and see how my portfolio performed in the last month of 2019. But before we continue I’d like everyone to take a chill-pill. I get way too many emails and messages from people who are worried by the […]