Portfolio update October 2019

Disclosure: All links to products and services mentioned on FinanciallyFree.eu are affiliate links. If you go through them to sign up for a service I will earn a commission. Sometimes you will receive a bonus too. Dear friends, family and financial freedom seekers from all over the world. October was quite a month… I quit my […]

Portfolio update September 2019

Disclosure: All links to products and services mentioned on FinanciallyFree.eu are affiliate links. If you go through them to sign up for a service I will earn a commission. Sometimes you will receive a bonus too. Dear friends, family and financial freedom seekers from all over the world. The first month of the fall has arrived. […]

Portfolio update August 2019

Disclosure: All links to products and services mentioned on FinanciallyFree.eu are affiliate links. If you go through them to sign up for a service I will earn a commission. Sometimes you will receive a bonus too. Hello everyone and welcome to another monthly update! While I’m on paternity leave and changing dipers on my new born […]

Portfolio update July 2019

Disclosure: All links to products and services mentioned on FinanciallyFree.eu are affiliate links. If you go through them to sign up for a service I will earn a commission. Sometimes you will receive a bonus too. Hello fellow Financial Freedom and Wealth seekers! Can you believe the summer is almost over? I’m crossing my fingers for a […]

A talk about FIRE with Jean from Mastermind.fm

Hey everyone, I hope you’re enjoying the summer! If you have absolutely no clue what to spend your summer on, here’s a tip that will keep you entertained for an hour 🙂 I recently had a good conversation with Jean from Mastermind.fm about Financial Freedom. In our chat, we talk about: The FIRE movement and differences […]