Tag Archives: Financially free

Portfolio update March 2021

Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self. It’s April 8th today. According to the calendar it should be spring. Nature in Denmark doesn’t seem to agree though, we had hail and snow just yesterday. I can’t wait to move back to the warm and sunny climate in Portugal. Seeing the sun on a daily […]

Portfolio update February 2021

Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self. March has arrived and spring is just around the corner. I can’t wait to feel the heat of the sun and walk barefoot outside! I’m in the process of revamping this blog. My goal is to provide better value with less information. As I’m investing more and […]

Portfolio update January 2021

Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self. First month of 2021 has passed! Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? I’m thinking about revamping this blog. I’ll continue doing the monthly updates but it would be nice to bring more value in a shorter post. As a first step to cut down time […]

Portfolio update December 2020

Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self. 2020 was an eventful year. We spent half if it in Portugal and we loved it even though if was different than usual due to global lockdown. If everything goes as planned we will be back in the warm climate in the second half of 2021. Last […]

Portfolio update November 2020

Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self. Financially, November was a great month. My stock portfolio is currently up more than 100% from when I opened my trading account in late March. Markets are very volatile so time will tell if I get to keep it. I received repayments from several Crowdestor* projects and […]