Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self.
This update is out much later than usual because we moved to Portugal again. First by train to Copenhagen and then from Copenhagen to Lisbon by plane. I can’t say I enjoy carrying that much luggage but it was worth it when we arrived.
The view from my “office” (corner of the living room) is decent, especially comparing to the view I had when I was in a regular day job. Sitting by the window while enjoying the warm breeze is something else.
Regarding finances, the biggest highlights since last month’s update are:
- I lost lots of money on stocks mainly due to China regulation changes.
- I sacrificed ~10k EUR to get into the cryptocurrency PulseChain.
- Viventor announced wind down.
Here’s the overview of my finances from last month:
Net worth: July 2021
Crowdlending | Income | Invested | Value |
Bondora* | -93.66€ | 6 177€ | 4 541€ |
Bulkestate* | 2.52€ | – 2 567€ | 226€ |
Crowdestate* | 2.85€ | 4 851€ | 5 871€ |
Crowdestor* | 3.85€ | 67 067€ | 83 675€ |
Mintos* | 13.99€ | 1 073€ | 10 007€ |
PeerBerry* | 90.79€ | 6 000€ | 7 797€ |
ReInvest24* | 7.21€ | 1 000€ | 1 196€ |
Swaper* | 2.91€ | – 5 886€ | 78€ |
Viventor* | -1 812.68€ | 4 083€ | 3 303€ |
– 1 782.22€ | 77 624€ | 116 695€ | |
Real Estate | Income | Invested | Equity |
Property #1 | 710€ | 18 080€ | 46 505€ |
Property #2 | 1 167€ | 61 200€ | 68 487€ |
Property #3 | 464€ | 41 383€ | 49 693€ |
2 341€ | 120 663€ | 164 686€ | |
Stocks (DEGIRO*) | 84 961€ | 124 718€ | |
Crypto | 20 650€ | 33 451€ | |
Cash | 2 212€ | ||
Total | 558.78€ | 303 898€ | 441 764€ |
Comparing to last month
My Net Worth dropped 45 443€ compared to last month. This was primarily due to Chinese stock prices dropping from regulation changes.
PeerBerry*, ReInvest24*, Swaper*, Robocash* and Bulkestate* performs nicely as usual. Most others are currently not worth mentioning.
Crowdestor* has introduced a new investment product called CROWDESTOR FLEX*. It’s a fixed income product yielding 12% p.a. Interest is paid out daily and withdrawals are available at any time.
Currently, new CROWDESTOR FLEX investments are not accepted due to more active interest than expected. They are working on portfolio diversification in order to meet the demand.
Real Estate
All units are rented out, except the unit we lived in, in the third property. The bathroom needs to be extended and renovated before it can be rented out because it doesn’t have a shower yet.
In the second property, I had the bathroom painted in the apartment on the ground floor. It’s amazing what a bit of paint can do!
My stocks have been dropping like a rock in the past month. China introduced new rules, forcing all education companies to be non-profit. That announcement ruined my GOTU stock investment which dropped 85% in 2 days following that news. Other Chinese stocks have been hurt as well due to fearful investor sentiment.
You can track my stock portfolio here.
Follow me on Twitter to get live updates when I make a trade!
I buy my stocks and trade on DEGIRO*, which I consider the best and cheapest no-bullshit broker in Europe. If you use this link* to sign up we will both receive a 20€ in transaction reimbursement (fee deduction).
The price of HEX doubled from 0.08$ to 0.16$ since last update and 4x’ed from where I bought it at 0.04$.

Earning trustless interest every day on my 10 year HEX stake is quite amazing. My stake is generating ~230 HEX per day. At the current price of 0.163$ per HEX that is equivalent to 37.49$ per day.
If you own HEX (or plan to) you should definitely check out the Staker app. It has a lot of cool features, is free to use and it’s ad free! You can get a new HEX wallet directly in the app or connect your existing MetaMask wallet.

I sacrificed ~10 000€ into PulseChain on day 5, and I expect to receive ~120 million Pulse tokens when PulseChain in released in a couple of months. The value of the Pulse token will be determined by the market, thus I have not included it my crypto portfolio value (because it doesn’t technically exist yet).
If you didn’t get in during the sacrifice phase, there’s no way to buy it until it’s released for public trading.
You can see my crypto portfolio here.
Free EUR bank account with no fees
I use N26 to transfer to and from my investments. It even comes with a free debit MasterCard. N26 is by far my favorite banking provider!
That’s it for this month!
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