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This Grupeer review is based entirely on my experiences. Always do your own research.
Why this post?
The purpose of this post is to give you some insight into my experiences with the people behind Grupeer.
They have a warmhearted and caring team with a “we’re all family” spirit I have not seen in any other P2P platform. They do not only think about themselves, they try to take care of the whole P2P industry. For that reason, I think they deserve some attention!
It’s just a short post to show you some pictures. Maybe you’ll find some information that you didn’t know already.
When and where?
I’ve had the pleasure to met Grupeer a few times. First time was on November 18th 2018 – a national holiday! While everyone in Riga was preparing for the #LV100 celebration – Grupeer wanted spend their free-time meeting us!
That’s one of the things I really appreciate about Grupeer; Whenever there’s an opportunity for socializing, one thing is certain – The girls from Grupeer will be there!
They’re always available to investors who want to meet and they participate in all sorts of events and conferences, including the P2P Conference in Riga from June 7-8, 2019.

The old office
First time we met, was a short spontaneous meeting. We spent a few hours together and got to know them better.

After that, we had lunch together on a nice café in Riga, where we talked about how it was like to work at Grupeer and the future of Crowdlending.
New concepts
They introduced us to two new concepts that Grupeer is currently working on:
- A “stability fund”
The stability fund is a concept where investors can buy shares in rental apartments and receive rent from the tenants without having to do the practical things that landlords needs to do.
I think it’s similar to what ReInvest24 is doing with some of their properties. I recently opened a small position with them, to see if it’s any good.
- P2P aggregator
The P2P aggregator is a completely new website, where investors can invest in real estate projects from many different sites – not only from Grupeer. This project has been put on hold, to focus on Grupeer’s main business. With the fast growing investor base, they will be busy finding new quality projects. I’m happy with this decision!
Second meeting
This second time was on May 3rd 2019.
We got to meet most of their employees and had some good detailed talks about everything from interest rates, platform improvements and investment strategies to competitors and how we thought the P2P industry will evolve in the coming years.
Every Grupeer employ is interested in hearing your opinion and they see every opportunity to talk to investors as a chance to learn and improve their business.
I’m excited to see if they’re going to implement some of the changes I proposed for the Overview page. (Please do Grupeer, I know some of you are reading this :-))

Danish/German blogger collaboration
Lars Wrobbel from Passives-einkommen-mit-p2p was also visiting Grupeer at the same time, so I had the pleasure to meet him as well. Great guy!
Lars has made an excellent YouTube video from his Grupeer visit. If you want to know more about Grupeer, I highly recommend you watching it.
We plan to visit some platforms later this year and do some interviews together. I look forward to the collaboration 🙂
If you’re coming to the P2P Conference in Riga from June 7-8, 2019 you’ll be able to meet Lars as well!

3 cash back campaigns in June
Grupeer has 3 cash back campaigns starting from today. Each one of them offers 1% cash back on your invested money and this time it’s possible to get cash back on loans with 13% yield.
I will transfer another 5.000€ to the platform on Monday to participate in the “PlanetaCash” and “Finsputnik Platforma” campaigns.
Until next time
I’ve started learning Portuguese with Memrise. It’s a fun way to learn a new language! It will probably take a while for me to learn, it’s very different from any of the languages I know (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, German and English). But as we plan to move somewhere near “Caldas da Rainha” I like to be somewhat prepared 🙂
The next portfolio update is just around the corner and will be posted no later than June 4th.
Até logo!
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